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Focus: Spirituality, Personal Practice, Self & Community Care
Content: 1.5hr Recorded Class & Resource Guide PDF
Facilitator: Maureen Buttner AKA TheTarot Doula Cost: $15 or Pay What You Can Workshop Description: This workshop aims to hold space for duality within our lives- to give space to plan our 2020 intentions and to prepare for what is beyond our control in the year to come. As birthworkers within this modern world, it is crucial to strengthen our ability to hold our intentions steady while working to end the systems of injustice that surround us. From a decolonizing lens: explore how to deepen your connection to intuition & intention; use the wisdom & guidance of tarot to strengthen your ability to support yourself and others. |
Content: 2hr Recorded Class & Resource Guide PDF
Facilitator: Maureen Buttner AKA TheTarot Doula Cost: $50 Workshop Description: Self love. Type the words into google and one is immediately met with countless step by step instructions, influencer videos, memes, and books on the subject. Yet for all the information that exists, self love remains an elusive being, abstract and out of reach for all but an elite few. Self love has been systematically co-opted, corrupted, and commodified to keep the wheels of white supremacy, colonialism, capitalism, and the kyriarchy continually churning. From a decolonizing lens: explore the wisdom of tarot, meditation, and journaling to reclaim, repair, & build practices of self love. |
Focus: Full Spectrum, Reproductive Justice
Content: 1.5hr Recorded Class & PDF of Class Slides (AKA a Comprehensive Guide)
Facilitator: Brooke Patmor Cost: $15 or Pay What You Can Workshop Description: How can we support families through the loss and bereavement of losing wanted pregnancy? How does this look different at different stages of fetal development? What is our role? What are things that are not helpful for families during this time? How can we take care of ourselves while we hold space for families experiencing immense grief? Explore the various types of miscarriage & stillbirth. Learn the symptoms, causes, & medical options available. Learn what to do to best of best support to birthing folk and their families. |